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MPSI is a leading organisation specialising in the development, production, and management of live entertainment programs both here in the United Kingdom and on a global scale. With our highly experienced team of professionals, we excel in all aspects of creative development and commercial presentation in the theatrical entertainment industry.

Our core mission at MPSI is to collaborate with investors, producers, and suppliers to deliver world-class productions and experiential events that are not only captivating but also cost-effective, efficient, and profitable. Under the leadership of Julian Stoneman, our dedicated team strives to manage the creative and commercial aspects of live entertainment in the UK, with the ultimate goal of showcasing our productions to audiences around the world.

What sets MPSI apart is our bespoke service, combining over 30 years of knowledge and experience in managing live entertainment in London’s renowned theatre-land and beyond. We have cultivated strong relationships with the most qualified professionals and freelance experts in all areas of the theatrical entertainment industry. This network enables us to access top talent, ensuring the highest quality and innovation in our productions.

At MPSI, we offer a range of services tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Whether you require our expertise in Producing, General Management, or Consultancy, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions that drive success and exceed expectations. Additionally, we welcome investment opportunities in our productions, fostering mutually beneficial partnerships that maximise returns.

Our commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and passion for the arts form the foundation of everything we do at MPSI. We understand that the success of a production hinges on the seamless integration of creativity and commercial viability. With our wealth of experience and comprehensive understanding of the entertainment industry, we are well-positioned to navigate the complex landscape and deliver outstanding results.

In conclusion, we invite you to explore the possibilities that Media Productions and Solutions International has to offer. Whether you are an investor, producer, supplier, or simply someone interested in the world of live entertainment, we encourage you to reach out to us. Together, let us create unforgettable experiences, captivate audiences, and shape the future of the theatrical entertainment industry.

MPSI welcomes all enquiries whether you are interested in our Producing, General Management and Consultancy services, or Investment in our productions. You can contact us here.